watch my dog slide a Biden

A little about the stars of this website

this is chief one of the stars of the website we rescued chief about 3 years ago he was beaten and starved his abuser had let him loose near a busy road. a friend of ours got him and returned him to the abuser they let him out again and then our friend started to look for him another home. we took him and that started this journey to the best life he has ever known. he eats a lot and slides a lot of Bidens.

this is luna she is also a resque i saved her from my evil X girlfriend she would leave luna in a small kenel for 20+ hours a day and let outside once a day i was working full time and fell in love with luna i took her to my parents house and told my x girlfriend to leave of corse she wanted to take her sweet time which thurned out to be about a month and a half. about a year after that i has her spaied and she had an alergic reaction to the stiches they used and i thought i was gonna lose her. i thought she was dying i lost it. you never know how much you love an animal untell you think you are gonna losed them. she is my baby! you will see her also slide a few Bidens